Islam, Plural Society And Ethnic Relations
Dr. Amini Amir Bin Abdullah
6th March 2009
Although man was created identical in nature (fitrah), he may be very different from his neighbour and belong to another ethnic group or tribe. Among the differences are: race, origins, stock, culture, religion, language and others. Islam recognizes these differences and never makes any excuse that the multi-racial society is an obstacle in implementing the policies of Islam. Thus, Allah emphasizes the need for all human beings to know each other. These universalistic characteristics of Islamic teachings have made it possible for Islam to spread all over the world. Further, the Muslims under the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. have shown their capability to rule and implement Islam in a multi-racial society.
Dr. Amini Amir Bin Abdullah
6th March 2009
Although man was created identical in nature (fitrah), he may be very different from his neighbour and belong to another ethnic group or tribe. Among the differences are: race, origins, stock, culture, religion, language and others. Islam recognizes these differences and never makes any excuse that the multi-racial society is an obstacle in implementing the policies of Islam. Thus, Allah emphasizes the need for all human beings to know each other. These universalistic characteristics of Islamic teachings have made it possible for Islam to spread all over the world. Further, the Muslims under the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. have shown their capability to rule and implement Islam in a multi-racial society.
The first government and Islamic state was established in Madinah. During the reign of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., the society there was a plural one. Compared to Malaysia, it is not impossible to say that the Madinian society was more complex with various ethnic groups. In Madinah, the plural society became the first Islamic state. The Prophet's ruling was accepted by all from the highest ranks to the lowest ranks of society and regardless of their origins, such as Muslims, Jews, Christians or Majusis. They were able to live in peace and harmony without feeling oppressed, fear or discrimination. The rights of the non-Muslims were guaranteed by the Medinan Islamic Constitution under the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.. The non-Muslims not only lived normal lives as did the Muslims, but also their security was protected and guaranteed under the laws. If the Muslims violated their rights, the Muslims would be punished. There was no rejection of the concept of an Islamic State and its rules.[1] In history, most of the Islamic rulers administered affairs by dispensing social justice and to all their fellow citizens regardless of their religious origins. There were lots of examples where the rules of Islam were established within the multi-racial communities.[2] Therefore, the non-Muslims should not be feared of an Islamic state like Malaysia.
In Malaysia, the Muslim majority has lived together with the non-Muslims since an early period in history. The plurality factor and the rejection of the non-Muslims toward the establishment of an Islamic state are reasons created by culprits who own personal interest and agenda. There was no strong concrete evidence to the non-Muslims rejection to the establishment of an Islamic state. And if there had existed a genuine rejection, it was because of their confusion on the concept of an Islamic state as a result of the failure of the Muslims to give correct information regarding the true meaning of an Islamic state, its rules and benefits. Muslims who had their own political agenda and interests could also be blamed for their confusion. As a result of false facts and incorrect information fear and apprehension has arisen among the non-Muslims about their position and rights in an Islamic state like Malaysia.
The Chinese are flexible in their thoughts and way of life. They are able to adapt and acclimatize to any condition or pattern of government. One can observe their placid existence all over the world as long as their economic activities are not interfered with. The Indians and Sikhs behave in a similar way. They want their fundamental rights and religious freedom to be protected. Only Islam is able to offer these privileges to the non-Muslims.[3]
[1] Ilyas Ahmad [1981], The Social Contract and the Islamic State, New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, pp. 102-114.
[2] For further details see Anwar Ahmad Qadri [1982], Justice in Historical Islam, New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan.
[3] The non-Muslims are able to live under Islamic rule as long as they are convinced that their rights to pursue economic activities, enjoy works and life and practice their cultures are guaranteed. Various negative interpretations on Islam need to be corrected immediately. In Malaysia, the non-Muslims seemed to have received incorrect information regarding the elements of Islamic state as proclaimed by the government. The non-Muslim communities are able to live in a normal way and this should give confidence to non-Muslims in various other states that Islam is not as bad as it has been described.
[2] For further details see Anwar Ahmad Qadri [1982], Justice in Historical Islam, New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan.
[3] The non-Muslims are able to live under Islamic rule as long as they are convinced that their rights to pursue economic activities, enjoy works and life and practice their cultures are guaranteed. Various negative interpretations on Islam need to be corrected immediately. In Malaysia, the non-Muslims seemed to have received incorrect information regarding the elements of Islamic state as proclaimed by the government. The non-Muslim communities are able to live in a normal way and this should give confidence to non-Muslims in various other states that Islam is not as bad as it has been described.
I really intersting in reading this article about "ISLAM AND ETNIC RELATIONS".I agree in Malaysia, the Muslim majority has lived together with the non-Muslims since an early period in history.Our country consits 3 major community that live together to improve the relationship between community.
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